IMF chief bail hearing today, victim testifies
IMF chief bail hearing today, victim testifies
Strauss-Kahn's arrest has dashed his prospects to run for the French presidency in 2012.

New York: A US court will on Thursday hear the bail plea of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, who has been charged with a criminal sex act while the victim has testified that "there was nothing consensual" about the assault.

On Wednesday, the alleged victim, a 32-year-old chambermaid, testified against Strauss-Kahn that "there was nothing consensual" about the assault that allegedly took place on Saturday in a Manhattan hotel room, ABC News reported.

"There was nothing that took place in that hotel room which in any way could be construed as consensual," the woman's personal attorney, Jeffrey Shapiro, said.

"This woman was absolutely the victim of a physical and sexual assault," he said.

A bail hearing is set for Thursday, FOX News reported. Strauss-Kahn s lawyers indicated that he would be willing to be confined to a location in Manhattan and wear an electronic ankle bracelet to monitor his movements, and was

prepared to post $1 million cash bail, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

He is currently being held in Riker Island prison on suicide watch.

Strauss-Kahn, 62, has been charged with a criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment.

He allegedly forced the maid, who is a native of Guinea, to perform oral sex and submit to anal sex.

It also emerged that in 2007 French President Nicholas Sarkozy had warned Strauss-Kahn to watch his behavior when he became the chief of the IMF.

"Over there [US] they don't joke about this sort of thing," Sarkozy had told Strauss-Kahn, The Times in Britain reported.

"Your life will be passed under a magnifying glass. Avoid taking the lift alone with interns. France cannot permit a scandal, Strauss-Kahn was told.

After the news broke, Sarkozy reportedly rolled his eyes and said, "We did warn him."

Strauss-Kahn, a socialist politician, was seen as a possible contender in the 2012 elections, who could oust Sarkozy from power.

Strauss-Kahn was taken into custody a few minutes before his Air France flight departed for Paris, on late Saturday afternoon.

He denies wrongdoing. His lawyers have said that the sex was consensual.

It also emerged yesterday that the maid lives in a building, which is exclusively for people with HIV or AIDS, The New York Post first reported.

The woman, whose name is being kept a secret, is reportedly a widow.

She lives with her 15-year-old daughter in The Bronx.

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