Indian Navy to Start Next Phase of Op Samudra Setu from June 1 to Repatriate Stranded Indians
Indian Navy to Start Next Phase of Op Samudra Setu from June 1 to Repatriate Stranded Indians
The Navy has already repatriated 1,488 Indian nationals from Mal to Kochi during the previous phases of the operation.

The Indian Navy will start the next phase of Operation Samudra Setu from June 1 to repatriate Indians who are stranded overseas amid the coronavirus pandemic, an official release said on Saturday.

"In this phase, Indian Navy Ship Jalashwa will repatriate 700 personnel from Colombo, Republic of Sri Lanka to Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu and subsequently repatriate another 700 personnel from Mal, Republic of Maldives to Tuticorin," the Navy said in its press release.

The Navy has already repatriated 1,488 Indian nationals from Mal to Kochi during the previous phases of the operation.

On Saturday, the Navy said, "Indian Missions in Sri Lanka and Maldives are preparing a list of Indian nationals to be evacuated and will facilitate their embarkation after requisite medical screening."

COVID-related social distancing norms have been catered onboard and evacuees would be provided basic amenities and medical facilities during the sea-passage, it stated.

After disembarkation at Tuticorin, the evacuated personnel will be entrusted to the care of the state authorities, the Navy said.

"This operation is being progressed in close coordination with Ministries of External Affairs, Home Affairs, Health and various other agencies of the Government of India and State governments," the Navy noted.

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