Man gets £10,000 with McDonald's order
Man gets £10,000 with McDonald's order
Marco Parra-Martinez, who ordered a burger from a McDonald's restaurant found £ 10,000 in the paper bag.

London: Belgian Marco Parra-Martinez, who ordered a burger from a McDonald's restaurant, was in for a surprise after he found £ 10,000 in the paper bag.

When he opened the bag containing the burger, he was startled to find an envelope containing € 15,000, the equivalent of more than £ 10,000.

The 23-year-old had ordered his meal from a McDrive restaurant in Waterloo.

Martinez claims that he was tempted to keep the money at first, but his conscience did not allow him to do so. He returned the money to the restaurant, and has been promised a reward for his honesty.

"I hesitated one moment, asking myself if I shouldn't keep the money. But my parents taught me to be honest at all times," Ananova quoted Parra-Martinez as saying.

McDonalds said that the cash was the restaurant’s earnings and had been accidentally put down next to Parra-Martinez's order.

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