Mumbai Police deploy 75% of its force to ensure safety for women on New Year's eve
Mumbai Police deploy 75% of its force to ensure safety for women on New Year's eve
Women police personnel wearing civilian clothes will be deployed in crowded areas like Juhu Chowpatty, Marine drive and Gateway of India.

Mumbai: Mumbai police has stepped up the security measures to ensure safety for women on New Years eve. 75 per cent of its personnel to be deployed for New Years eve.

Women police personnel wearing civilian clothes will be deployed in crowded areas like Juhu Chowpatty, Marine drive and Gateway of India.

Anti-eve teasing squads led by women police officers will also be deployed. Mumbai police is also working with Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) to ensure sufficient lighting in areas that are dark.

In 2008, a woman was molested in Juhu by a mob on New Years eve.

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