Nashik Student, 23, Found Hanging in IIT-Delhi Hostel Room, Suicide Suspected
Nashik Student, 23, Found Hanging in IIT-Delhi Hostel Room, Suicide Suspected
The student, hailing from Maharashtra's Nashik, was pursuing from IIT Delhi

A 23-year-old student from IIT Delhi was found hanging in the hostel room in a case of suspected suicide. The student, hailing from Maharashtra’s Nashik, was pursuing from IIT Delhi.

“A PCR call was received from IIT Delhi, Dronagiri hostel, wherein, it was informed that a 23-year-old boy from Nashik, Maharashtra, was found hanging in a room in Dronagiri hostel, IIT campus,” a Delhi police official was quoted by ANI as saying. An investigation into the case is underway.

On February 13, an eighteen-year-old student studying at a coaching centre in Rajasthan’s Kota reportedly died by suicide in his PG room. According to an NDTV, he was preparing for the Indian Institute of Technology-Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE).

Last month, another student preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) died by suicide in Rajasthan’s Kota. The 18-year-old girl hailing from Kota’s Borkheda was found hanging at her residence.

In December 2023, a 34-year-old research scholar at IIT Kanpur was found dead in her hostel room. According to a PTI report, the research scholar hung herself from the ceiling fan in her second-floor hostel room.

The research scholar, originally hailing from Cuttack in Odisha, had joined the IIT Kanpur to carry out her postdoctoral research. She worked at the IIT Kanpur’s Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering as a postdoctoral researcher.

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