New education plan for disabled
New education plan for disabled
HRD Minister Arjun Singh has said that an action plan aimed at bringing children with disabilities and others under the same roof for education is in final stage.

New Delhi: On the eve of World Disability Day in Delhi, HRD Minister Arjun Singh has said that an action plan aimed at bringing children with disabilities and others under the same roof for education is in final stages of preparation.

"The plan would be introduced most likely from the next academic year," he added.

Earlier, while presenting the 'Plan of Action for Inclusive Education of Children and Youth with Disabilities' in the Rajya Sabha on March 21, 2004, Singh had pointed out that non-specialist schools could be adapted to work with children with disabilities as per the trend worldwide.

With this action plan, the Centre expects greater progress in its 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan'.

Singh said that it could also help priorities implementation of three per cent reservation in all institutions receiving funds from the government for persons with disabilities as provided for by the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.

The objectives of the action plan are to:

Ensure that no child is denied admission in mainstream education.

Ensure that every child would have the right to access.

Ensure that Aanganwadi and school and no child would be turned back on the ground of disability.

Ensure that mainstream and specialist training institutions serving persons with disabilities, in the government or in the non-government sector, facilitate the growth of a cadre of teachers trained to work within the principles of inclusion.

Facilitate access of girls with disabilities and disabled students from rural and remote areas to government hostels.

Provide for home based learning for persons with severe, multiple and intellectual disability.

Promote distance education for those who require an individual pace of learning.

Emphasize job-training and job-oriented vocational training

Promote an understanding of the paradigm shift from charity to development through a massive awareness, motivation and sensitisation campaign.

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