Pakistan bans import of Indian films
Pakistan bans import of Indian films
Pakistan has banned the import of films featuring Indian or Pakistani actors in lead roles.

Islamabad: Pakistan has banned the import of films featuring Indian or Pakistani actors in lead roles.

"Cinematographic film wholly or partly developed in Pakistani or Indian language with or without soundtrack depicting Pakistani or Indian way of living, either silent or dubbed, or in which leading roles are played by Pakistani or Indian actors or actresses" was put in "banned (negative) list" in the new Import Policy Order 2006 placed on the website of Pakistan's Commerce Ministry.

The new Import Policy order was part of a list of 38 banned items in the Import Policy Order 2006 issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Daily Times reported.

It is not yet clear whether the new rule appeared contrary to the June order of the Ministry of Culture lifting the ban on Indian film stars acting in Pakistan movies.

In June, Pakistan government had amended its Film Rules Act (FRA) to enable Pakistani film producers to hire Bollywood stars and technicians.

As per the notification issued by the the Ministry of Culture on June 5, the para five of the FRA which hitherto barred hiring of Indian film actors had been removed, Chairman of Pakistan Film Producers Association (PFPA) Saeed Rizvi was quoted as saying by the Pakistani media.

Ever since the peace process began in 2004, Pakistani film industry has demonstrated considerable enthusiasm to open up nearly two thirds of cinema halls in Pakistan.

The Order also restricted the list of importable items from India to 773 which, was worked out last year, and did not mention India's request for another 286 items.

The Pakistani Ministry in its recent order on implementation of the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) had mentioned that Pakistan would permit SAFTA tariff concessions to India only on 773 items. India has already objected to it.

The Import Policy Order said the blankets and tents could also be imported from India as relief goods for earthquake victims.

This was in addition to the corrugated galvanised iron sheets for the exclusive use in the reconstruction of the quake-affected areas.

It said the ban on imports from Israel and goods of Israeli origin into Pakistan would continue.

The banned items under the new order included Translation of Quran without Arabic text; goods (including their containers) bearing any words or inscription of a religious connotation which may injure religious feelings of any sect, class or group of people in Pakistan; goods bearing any obscene pictures, writings, inscriptions or visible representations; and anti-Islamic, obscene or subversive literature.

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