Petrol price in major cities after hike
Petrol price in major cities after hike
Petrol in Delhi currently costs Rs 65.64 a litre and after the increase it will be priced at Rs 73.14 per litre.

New Delhi: Petrol prices have been increased by Rs 7.50 a litre from midnight.

Here are the rates of petrol in four major metros:

Petrol in Delhi currently costs Rs 65.64 a litre and after Rs 7.54 increase it will be priced at Rs 73.14 per litre.

In Mumbai, the petrol now costs Rs 70.66 a litre but after midnight it will go up to Rs 78.16.

Kolkata too faces the pressure with the petrol costing Rs 77.53 from Rs 70.03, hike of Rs 7.85.

Similarly, the cost of petrol in Chennai will see a steep hike of Rs 7.98 to Rs 77.05 from Rs 69.55.####Interactive graph: Fuel price hike 1989 to 2012 (Delhi)

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