PM leaves for US, to hold talks on terrorism
PM leaves for US, to hold talks on terrorism
The PM began the first leg of his 8-day visit on Saturday. He is expected to renew his concern over terrorism.

New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh began the first leg of an eight-day visit that will take him to the nuclear security summit in the US and then Brazil. Singh left for Washington at 9:30 am on Saturday.

He is expected to reach Washington Saturday and is scheduled to meet US President Barack Obama on Sunday for bilateral talks. Singh is expected to renew his concerns over terrorism, Afghanistan and US military assistance to Pakistan.

Obama may want India to make some gestures to accommodate Pakistan and will want to know the progress on the Nuclear Liability Bill. The high point of the visit will be the nuclear security summit next Tuesday when Manmohan Singh will underscore his concern on nuclear terrorism.

In a departure statement he said, "I expect the Summit to focus on nuclear terrorism and proliferation of sensitive nuclear materials and technologies. These are legitimate concerns, which require firm responses."

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