Police quiz senior Apollo docs
Police quiz senior Apollo docs
The Delhi police questioned three senior doctors of the Apollo hospital in connection with the Rahul Mahajan case.

New Delhi: The Delhi police on Tuesday questioned three senior doctors of the Apollo hospital in connection with the Rahul Mahajan drug abuse case.

The doctors were asked about the treatment given to Rahul and details of the various medical tests conducted on Rahul and his condition during his stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

All the hospital's employees involved, directly or indirectly, in Rahul's treatment are expected to be questioned.

So far, 25 have been interrogated. An FIR was registered against the hospital on the June 9 for giving false information to police.

Earlier, Police had said that they believe Rahul was kept in the ICU in an attempt to delay his questioning.

"We have been able to establish that there was no need to put Rahul on ventilator," said a police officer after ten doctors and several technicians of the hospital had been interrogated.

Apollo's lawyer Lalit Bhasin said the police’s claim was premature. "Several doctors are yet to be interrogated in connection with the case. Such a conclusion at this point of time is premature and motivated," said Bhasin.

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