Powerful bomb blast rocks Assam
Powerful bomb blast rocks Assam
Ahead of the National Games in Assama powerful bomb exploded in front of Guwahati's police station in Panbazar.

New Delhi Ahead of the National Games, which is scheduled to begin in Assam on February 9, a powerful bomb, placed inside a stranded vehicle, exploded in front of Guwahati's main police station in Panbazar early on Sunday morning.

There was no casualty or injury in the blast, and it was suspected to have been carried on by ULFA in the run-up to the National Games.

The car in which the bomb was placed was towed away along with three other cars.

According to city's Senior Superintendent of Police S N Singh, the vehicle was towed away before the police station along with three others by the traffic department on Saturday evening from nearby Shani Mandir area of Fancy Bazar.

While three of the vehicles were claimed by owners and taken away by paying required fines, the unclaimed fourth one was fitted with a bomb, which went off at 0315 hrs, IST.

The vehicle was dragged despite a warning from state intelligence that militants from the banned ULFA could use car bombs in the next few days.

Though the vehicle was considerably damaged, the police station remained unscathed.

Security in the entire city has been further beefed up to ensure the ensuing National Games passes off smoothly.

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