Pray for the welfare of all beings persistently
Pray for the welfare of all beings persistently
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsThe first thing that we must do is stop injuring any creature consciously in any way. The second thing we must do is nurture other beings around us by helping them in some way. For example, we can scatter grains for birds in our garden or on the terrace and leave some water for them every day.We can sprinkle some sugar in the garden for the ants to eat and so on and so forth. Now we come to the third thing which is extremely important. We must pray every day for the welfare of all beings by saying, “May I be forgiven for the harm I am knowingly or unknowingly causing other beings. Today, let my thoughts, feelings, words or actions cause no harm to anybody. May all beings be happy. May all the birds, animals, reptiles, insects and other creatures that co-exist with me on this planet be happy. I will not trouble them and let them not trouble me. May all the people in the world be happy. May all the natural forces work together with complete balance and harmony. Let the whole world be enveloped by peace, love and goodwill.” Through this daily prayer, all the harm and injury that we have unknowingly caused to others beings till now in this lifetime is completely negated. Even if we are destined to be hurt or injured by animals, reptiles or insects, we will be protected because we are discharging our karmic debt towards them by praying for them. Our life is then in tune with the Divine Will and Divine Grace flows to us in great abundance and rewrites our fate, destiny and karma.The more we eliminate narrow, self-centred attitudes, the more Soul bound we become. Selfless desires or goals propel us towards the Pure Infinite Cosmic Consciousness we call God and tune us to the Divine Will.That is why things get done effortlessly and instantaneously. For instance, when we think, “I want to keep my mind sensitive to the needs of others so that I can be a perfect channel to transmit benevolence all the time,” it is a desire that is in tune with the Divine Will. It becomes the very act of meditation itself. Such selfless desires lead us to communion and union with God who is present within us as our own Soul. They increase our willpower, confidence, mental poise and enthusiasm.They anchor us firmly in purity. On the other hand, desires which are contrary to the Divine Will alienate us from our own Soul and twist our thinking process so that we see an extremely distorted picture of the truth. This gives rise to all kinds of assumptions and presumptions in the mind and we begin to generate emotions which shatter our mental equipoise and attract the wrong people and situations towards us.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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The first thing that we must do is stop injuring any creature consciously in any way. The second thing we must do is nurture other beings around us by helping them in some way. For example, we can scatter grains for birds in our garden or on the terrace and leave some water for them every day.

We can sprinkle some sugar in the garden for the ants to eat and so on and so forth. Now we come to the third thing which is extremely important. We must pray every day for the welfare of all beings by saying, “May I be forgiven for the harm I am knowingly or unknowingly causing other beings. Today, let my thoughts, feelings, words or actions cause no harm to anybody. May all beings be happy. May all the birds, animals, reptiles, insects and other creatures that co-exist with me on this planet be happy. I will not trouble them and let them not trouble me. May all the people in the world be happy. May all the natural forces work together with complete balance and harmony. Let the whole world be enveloped by peace, love and goodwill.” Through this daily prayer, all the harm and injury that we have unknowingly caused to others beings till now in this lifetime is completely negated. Even if we are destined to be hurt or injured by animals, reptiles or insects, we will be protected because we are discharging our karmic debt towards them by praying for them. Our life is then in tune with the Divine Will and Divine Grace flows to us in great abundance and rewrites our fate, destiny and karma.

The more we eliminate narrow, self-centred attitudes, the more Soul bound we become. Selfless desires or goals propel us towards the Pure Infinite Cosmic Consciousness we call God and tune us to the Divine Will.

That is why things get done effortlessly and instantaneously. For instance, when we think, “I want to keep my mind sensitive to the needs of others so that I can be a perfect channel to transmit benevolence all the time,” it is a desire that is in tune with the Divine Will. It becomes the very act of meditation itself. Such selfless desires lead us to communion and union with God who is present within us as our own Soul. They increase our willpower, confidence, mental poise and enthusiasm.

They anchor us firmly in purity. On the other hand, desires which are contrary to the Divine Will alienate us from our own Soul and twist our thinking process so that we see an extremely distorted picture of the truth. This gives rise to all kinds of assumptions and presumptions in the mind and we begin to generate emotions which shatter our mental equipoise and attract the wrong people and situations towards us.

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