President Pratibha Patil defers her AP visit plan
President Pratibha Patil defers her AP visit plan
She planned a 10-day stay at Rashtrapati Nilayam in Andhra.

New Delhi: President Pratibha Patil, who was to visit Andhra Pradesh from Monday, has deferred her plan, a Rashtrapati Bhavan official said on Sunday.

"Her visit has been deferred," said a senior official to a question on whether the president has changed her plan to visit the southern state.

The president had planned a 10-day stay at Rashtrapati Nilayam in Secunderabad from December 28 to January 6.

Reports earlier said the government had "subtly advised" the president against visiting Andhra Pradesh in the apprehension that the parties for and against a separate Telangana could use her visit for political purposes.

The Rashtrapati Bhavan had sent a communication to the Andhra Pradesh government on Saturday evening informing that the president has changed her proposed visit to the state.

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