Puducherry Forest Dept Undertakes Measures To Protect Animals From Scorching Heat
Puducherry Forest Dept Undertakes Measures To Protect Animals From Scorching Heat
Animals are susceptible to heatstroke during summer, prompting the employees to focus on protecting them.

The Forest Department office near the AFT ground in Puducherry’s Mudaliar Petty is dedicated to rescuing and treating stray and injured wildlife. They provide care to various animals including snakes, peacocks, porcupines, parrots, hawks, and turtles. With Puducherry experiencing record-breaking heat this year, public movement during the day has decreased significantly. Domestic animals such as goats and cows, accustomed to indoor-raising, are particularly affected by the rising temperatures. Like humans, animals are susceptible to heatstroke, prompting the employees to focus on protecting them under the care of the Puducherry Forest Department. The forest department staff takes measures to keep the areas, where animals like pythons are housed, cool every day by watering the surroundings, ensuring the welfare of these creatures amidst the scorching sun.

In the Forest Department, 27 male and female deer are being sprayed with water to help them cool down from the intense heat of the sun. Wild animals are being provided with nourishment such as cucumber and watermelon, which they eagerly consume. Similarly, turtles and pythons are also being moistened with water to ensure they are comfortable in the hot weather. The forest department has also set up mini shower systems inside enclosures to provide cool water to the wild animals, which will be turned on as and when needed.

Veterinarian Kumaran explained in an interview, “Given the intense sun exposure, we’ve been providing water-rich foods like watermelon and cucumber, along with mineral salts, liver tonic, and calcium tonic to the animals at the Puduwai Forest Rescue Center. Splashing water around their environment helps to cool it down, increasing their appetite. We’ve been ensuring a regular supply of spinach and fruits. For pregnant deer, we recommend a nutrient tonic tailored to their needs. Additionally, we’ve placed a water tank near the snake enclosures to allow them to regulate their body temperature.”

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