Rape, assault, rights: S*** politicians said in 2012
Rape, assault, rights: S*** politicians said in 2012
From suggesting that eating chowmein led to rape to criticizing women protesters who had make-up on, here are some bizarre things politicians said in 2012.

New Delhi: From suggesting that eating chowmein led to rape, to criticizing women protesters who had make-up on, politicians said some bizarre things in 2012 to claim the limelight.

Not all comments made sense. Congress MP and son of President of India, Abhijit Mukherjee, made a jibe about the 'dented-painted' women gathered at various venues in Delhi to protest the brutal gangrape of a 23-year-old. His comment enraged women across the nation and Mukherjee promptly withdrew the statement.

Khap leaders in Haryana suggested that women get raped because men eat chowmein which causes hormonal imbalance. They even suggested that women be married off early to avoid rapes.

A popular actor in West Bengal blamed the retreating line of skirt hems behind the growing number of cases of eve-teasing. Yes, everyone had a say this year on what caused rapes and violent crimes.

Here's our hall of shame. ####[View the story ”Rape, sexual assault, women’s rights: S*** politicians say” on Storify]

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