Salem's worst fears come true
Salem's worst fears come true
Abu Salem's worst fears are realised, as the Mumbai police ask for his hand in custody.

Mumbai: The TADA special court, set up to investigate the 1993 Mumbai blasts, has granted the Anti Terrorist Squad of the Mumbai police custody of Abu Salem.

The Mumbai Anti Terrorist Squad was created in 2004. It consists of men drawn from the Maharashtra police, and some units are specially trained in dealing with terrorist emergencies and attacks.

On Thursday afternoon Salem will be produced at the sessions court where it will be decided until when this custody lasts.

A day ago the TADA court had remanded Salem to judicial custody, at Arthur Road jail till the 7th of December. But the Mumbai police wasted no time in acting and promptly filed a pettition with the court saying they wanted him in their custody to investigate two cases of murder.

IBN's Mumbai Bureau trailed Salem from early on Wednesday morning and found him zipping along Marine Drive with television crews on his trail.

First Salem was brought to the TADA Court amidst tight security where the

CBI told the court that they were through questioning him and did not him anymore.

As a result Salem was remanded to judicial custody putting to rest Salem's fear's that he would be tortured by the Mumbai police.

Said Ujjwal Nikam, public prosecutor, on Wednesday: "The Special Tada Court has remanded Abu Salem to Judicial Custody till the 7th of December 2005. He will be kept here in the Arthur Road jail. The CBI has however reserved the right to summon him if so required for further investigation."

Salem was to be kept in a high security cell, where other prisoners wouldn't not be allowed within fifteen feet of him. His other privileges included home cooked meals and daily visits from his lawyers.

Owais Siddiqui, Salems Defense Counsel had said: "The court has allowed us to visit him everyday between 8 and 9 am for 15 mins."

But that was Wednesday. And on Thursday, Salem's worst fears were realised, when the Mumbai police came and formally asked for him.

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