Sriramulus resigns, chance for Reddy brothers
Sriramulus resigns, chance for Reddy brothers
BANGALORE: With former minister B Sriramulu announcing his resignation from the Assembly membership, all eyes are now set on his c..

BANGALORE: With former minister B Sriramulu announcing his resignation from the Assembly membership, all eyes are now set on his close friends Bellary Reddy brothers’ next move.It is not a secret that Sriramulu will parrot what Reddys say as far as their political decisions are concerned, and Sriramulu’s decision to resign as MLA cannot be an exception to this, though the Reddys have not uttered a word so far on the issue.According to sources, the Reddy brothers are miffed by the BJP’s decision to keep them out of the Cabinet, and they have decided to show their mettle to the party.The sources also said the Reddys had kept two plans ready; first to bend the party and get their demands fulfilled by using pressure tactics, and second, to float a new political outfit by making use of their money power and Sriramulu’s mass appeal and emerge as a force to reckon with before the next Assembly elections.It is with this game plan that the Reddys have made Sriramulu to resign from his Assembly membership. If the party accepts all their demands, Sriramulu will reconsider his decision to resign. If not, then he will contest as an independent candidate from his home turf Bellary Rural constituency. The Reddys want to test the waters by fielding Sriramulu as an independent candidate before going full-fledged on their new party.The Reddys are hoping to encash on Sriramulu’s popularity in Bellary, Raichur and the southern parts of Gulbarga, where SC/ST population is concentrated. Answers to whether or not the Reddys will float a new party and will they be able to stand against the BJP, however, depend on BJP’s reaction to Sriramulu’s resignation and also on the shape the on-going investigations into illegal mining take in the coming days.

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