Tamil Nadu: Jayalalithaa lauds police force for its professionalism
Tamil Nadu: Jayalalithaa lauds police force for its professionalism
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa lauded her police for displaying it during last year's arrest of alleged terrorists in Andhra Pradesh.

Chennai: Patting her police force for its professionalism, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Monday lauded the men in uniform for displaying it during last year's arrest of alleged terrorists in Andhra Pradesh.

In her address at the Valedictory function of the 4th All India Police Commando Competition, she said Tamil Nadu police was "endowed with unfettered professional freedom in my government (and) have always risen to the challenges confronting them," adding she was proud of them.

"A solid demonstration of professionalism and deep sense of responsibility in the realm of public safety was witnessed in the recent arrest of (Police) Fakruddin," she said adding two of his associates were arrested without any loss of life.

This was "proof beyond doubt that our Commando outfit is one of the best in the country," she said. She recalled that she had personally congratulated 260 personnel involved in the operation, giving away cash rewards ranging from Rs one lakh to Rs 15 lakh, apart from granting accelerated promotion to 20 cops.

In a major operation, Tamil Nadu Police had in October 2013 arrested Panna Ismail and Bilal Malik,two key suspects in the 2011 Advani bomb case and many other cases from Puthur. Fakrudeen had been nabbed earlier. Jayalalithaa said the All India Police Commando Competition was one of the latest additions to the annual Police Sports calendar and had been included considering the importance of counter-terrorism skills in the current scenario "where terrorism and extremism are emerging as serious threats to internal security."

"In order to upscale our capabilities to deal with and do away with this menace, it is imperative that all states have a force of well-trained and equipped Commando Units. Most States have raised Commando Units and these outfits need to be kept fighting fit by constant training and upgradation of skills and tactics," she said.

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