The dance floor is my pilgrimage space
The dance floor is my pilgrimage space

Understanding of god

The concept of god to me is fairly simple and straightforward. I believe that understanding your own capabilities, but at the same time, also having a certain faith in god is enough to take you a long way in life.

Religious practices

I’ve been dancing for as long as I can remember and the only way I know to connect with god is through dance. Dance is my breath, dance is my prayer. I feel as if I’m praying when I’m creating movements.

Faith in miracles

It’s not a miracle if you have faith in your own abilities to do things, to stand out from a million other people in the world who are trying to achieve the same goals as you are. It’s just your hardwork that matters at the end of the day.

Take on meditation

I don’t meditate. Dance might be my profession and that’s the way I might spend most of my time, but dance is still the way that I clear my mind off stress. I try to create unique dance sequences to find peace within myself and that’s what really makes me a happy person.

Favourite pilgrimage spot

As one would expect, my dance floor is my favourite pilgrimage spot. If I’m achieving anything in life, it’s on that dance floor. But apart from that, I enjoy visiting the Kalikambal Temple here in Chennai. The ancient history behind the temple and the sense of serenity that it projects draws me to it.

(Pranav Padmachandran is a city-based dancer)

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