The special sections of Mumbai Film Festival
The special sections of Mumbai Film Festival
One for first time directors and another celebrating Japanese cinema over the years

The festival is divided in Nine Special Sections:

1. International Competition for the First Feature Films of Directors

2. Above the Cut

3. World Cinema

4. Real Reel

5. Indian Frame

6. New Faces in Indian Cinema

7. Dimensions Mumbai

8. Celebrate Age

9. Celebration of Japanese Cinema

International Competition for the First Feature Films of Directors

The 14 Feature Films of first time Directors in the International Competition section from across the world will compete for the cash awards of US$ 150,000. All these young directors will be present in Mumbai during the Festival. Above the cut will present 14 first feature films of extra ordinary cinematic merit which could not be included in the competition. World Cinema section will showcase the best of the crop from around the world during the year. Real Reel will show case a selection of the best feature length documentary films from around the world. Indian Frame, as the name indicates, presents a selection of Indian cinema made in one calendar year

before the festival dates. This section is meant to be a show window for the best Indian films targeting the foreign delegates, Festival directors, sales agents and co-producers. The New Faces in Indian Cinema is a brand new initiative which will screen first and second Feature Films of the Indian directors and aims to provide a platform to young emerging Indian filmmakers. Dimensions Mumbai is to tease, target and provide a forum

to the young creative minds in the city of Mumbai to come up with the best film on any aspect of this metropolis in any format of their choice.

This year in collaboration with Harmony Silvers Foundation, MAMI is introducing a brand new competition section “Celebrate Age” which will showcase short fiction films, documentaries and feature length films on the concerns, spice, fun and adventure of growing older.

Celebration of Japanese Cinema

A collection of pristine 35MM prints of 43 films, classic as well as contemporary, will be screened providing festival-goers with an unparalleled opportunity to choose from an array of films from one of the most vibrant national cinemas.

This extraordinary showcase is being co-organised in collaboration with the Consulate General of Japan in Mumbai and The Japan Foundation. Yoji Yamada’s latest film Ototo will open the Celebration of Japanese Cinema Section. Takashi Koizumi, Kurosawa Akira’s first Assistant in the film RAN and an eminent director himself, will present this film to the audience.

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