There are persons drunk with power in UPA govt: Hazare
There are persons drunk with power in UPA govt: Hazare
"If required we will face bullets not just lathis without adopting any violent methods," added Hazare.

Pune: In a scathing attack on the Central government, social activist Anna Hazare on Tuesday said it consists of people 'who are drunk with power'.

The Gandhian was reacting to a query on whether he would be compelled to undertake a fast unto death in the absence of a positive response from the government in incorporating the provisions suggested by the civil society in drafting a strong Lokpal bill, widening its scope and purview.

"There are persons in the government who are drunk with power. I cannot say that I will not be required to undertake the fast on August 16. I am ready for any eventuality," he told reporters.

Referring to Digvijaya Singh's reported remarks, which the Congress general secretary subsequently denied, that Hazare's agitation would meet the same fate as that of yoga guru Baba Ramdev's, the activist said, "This means that they have not understood the meaning of democracy which gives every citizen

a right to agitate to protect the interests of the nation and its people."

"If required we will face bullets not just lathis without adopting any violent methods, following the path of Ahimsa," he added.

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