The incident took place in Upalvas village in the Bekriya police station area on Friday evening when the siblings, Praveen and Singa (5), were asleep and their parents had gone out
A two-year-old boy was burnt alive and his elder brother suffered burn injuries when their thatched house caught fire in Rajasthan’s Udaipur district, police said.
The incident took place in Upalvas village in the Bekriya police station area on Friday evening when the siblings, Praveen and Singa (5), were asleep and their parents had gone out, they said.
When the fire broke out, Praveen was charred to death while Singa managed to get out of the house.
He suffered burn injuries and is currently undergoing treatment, police said. The cause of the fire was not known immediately, they said.
A case has been registered in the matter and an investigation is underway, they said.
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