Unlock the door of your soul
Unlock the door of your soul

Though we have been implementing various effective methods to enhance our discrimination, the techniques we are going to practice today will reinforce this tenfold. Discrimination is extremely important because it shows us how we should think, speak and act every moment if we want to achieve success in all our tasks. Without discrimination, we will never be able to rise above our negative tendencies and establish ourselves in wisdom. In a lighter vein, let us look at a true incident where the lack of discrimination led to comical failure. A man who was crossing the road in a very busy area of the city was grazed by a vehicle and sustained a minor head injury. With the intention of claiming compensation from the transport company that owned the vehicle, he hired a lawyer. His lawyer filed a case in court and told his client, “The driver of that vehicle was driving carelessly. So, it is very easy for us to win the case and get some compensation. I will do all the talking in court. However, I require a little co-operation from you. Your role is very simple. When I call you to the witness stand, and ask you what happened when you were crossing that road on that particular day, you must say, ‘The vehicle hit me. It injured my head and caused profuse bleeding.’ That is all. Can you do that?” The man thought that this was easy and cheerfully agreed. When the case was called in court, the man went to the witness stand and took the oath. However, when his lawyer asked him, “What happened when you were crossing the road?” he said, “The vehicle hit me and taught me a lesson that I should be more careful when I cross the road next time.” Of course, as you can very well guess, the man lost the case. So, whether the issue at stake is big or small, we require discrimination to guide us about how to handle it. When we activate the faculty of discrimination using our breath, we will be very aware of the impact of every action that we initiate and intuitively avoid thinking, speaking and behaving in ways that will be detrimental to our success.

The second quality of charisma is also very vital. What is charisma and how does it work? Let us look at a day-to-day example.

When a chubby infant smiles at us as we are walking on the street, what do we do? We are automatically attracted to it. We greet the baby, talk to it and sometimes even caress its cheek. If we have the time, we may even carry the baby for a few minutes and play with it. Just one smile from the baby brought out these vibrations of love from our soul so spontaneously. Why? We forgot ourselves as soon as we tuned into the innocence and joyful exuberance of the child.

Babies still retain a strong connectivity with their soul because they are not yet spoilt by calculative and devious thinking. They don’t give a dazzling smile to the rich neighbour and a frosty nod to the gardener. They express their true feelings each moment with complete transparency and spontaneity because they are operating from the soul and not the mind, and the soul expects nothing from us. That is why we find them so attractive and charming.


This article is taken from the book “Between You and Me — Meditation Made Simple”

authored by His Holiness Shri Shri

Nimishananda Guruji

Original news source

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