US urges greater international pressure on Syria
US urges greater international pressure on Syria
The White House said Bashar al Assad has time and again demonstrated that he does not deserve to rule Syria.

Washington: The US on Wednesday warned of greater international action to stop the crackdown by Bashar al Assad's regime in Syria and said neither the Syrian people nor the global community accepted his government's legitimacy any more.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the Assad regime is already facing growing isolation and sanctions that are choking off its resources.

"We urge Syria's few remaining supporters in the international community to warn Damascus that if the Arab League initiative is once again not fully implemented, the international community will take additional steps to pressure the Assad regime to stop its crackdown," he said in a statement.

The Syrian ruler, he said, should have no doubt that neither the international community nor the Syrian people accept his legitimacy.

With no end in sight to the blood shed in Syria, where confrontation continues between the regime and pro-democracy protesters, the White House attacked Assad, saying he has time and again demonstrated that it does not deserve to rule Syria.

"It's time for this suffering and killing to stop. It's time for the immediate and full implementation of all terms of the Arab League agreement, including the full withdrawal of security forces, the release of political prisoners, and unfettered access by monitors and international media to all parts of Syria. It's time for the Syrian people to have the universal rights that they deserve," he said.

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