Vijay Nambiar is UN Chief of Staff
Vijay Nambiar is UN Chief of Staff
Ban Ki-Moon named former Indian ambassador to the United Nations, Vijay Nambiar, his Chief of Staff.

New Delhi: Ban Ki-Moon, who takes over as United Nations Secretary-General on Monday has named former Indian ambassador to the United Nations, Vijay Nambiar, his Chef de Cabinet (Chief of Staff).

Nambiar was a special adviser to Ban Ki-Moon's predecessor Kofi Annan. Announcing the first high-level appointment, Ban said that he had known Nambiar for a long time and that the two "share deep confidence and respect for each other".

"I feel honoured that the Secretary-General has put his trust in me," Nambiar said.

Apart from Nambiar, Ban has also appointed Michelle Montas as his spokesperson. Montas, an-award-winning journalist from Haiti, is head of the French unit of UN Radio.

She served as spokesperson for the General Assembly President in 2003.

(With inputs from PTI)

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