Women progressed from kitchen to fields: Governor
Women progressed from kitchen to fields: Governor
Girls bagged 58 of 80 gold medals at the 32nd convocation of Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) here on Saturday.

Girls bagged 58 of 80 gold medals at the 32nd convocation of Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) here on Saturday.

Presenting the medals, OUAT Chancellor and Governor MC Bhandare said this was a sign of women empowerment in a hitherto male-dominated sector like agriculture. “It is interesting to note that those who are confined to kitchen, are now out in the agricultural fields to ensure production of quality crops,” he further said. As many as 443 graduates, 228 post-graduates and eight PhDs were conferred degrees on the occasion.

Among the eight agricultural scientists and researchers who were conferred the Honoris Causa, was the lone surviving founding member of the agriculture university, P C Paricha. Also the former dean of OUAT’s College of Agriculture, Paricha - in his 90s - was awarded the Doctorate of Science for his contribution to development of plant physiology.On the occasion, Secretary of Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE) and Director-General, ICAR, S Ayyappan, said there is a huge gap between demand and supply of manpower in the agriculture sector. “A recent study by the National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) indicates that at present, the existing education system is producing about 24,000 graduates per annum with crop sciences contributing 2/3rd of it. There are substantial gaps between demand and supply of manpower in agricultural and allied activities even to the tune of 50 per cent or more,” he said. Ayyappan said agriculture universities like OUAT need to enhance their student intake capacity.

Meanwhile, OUAT has firmed up plans to open 10 agro-polytechnics this year. In these polytechnics, diploma and certificate courses in agricultural science, horticulture science, fishery and animal science will be offered from the 2012-13 academic year producing para-professionals in agriculture and allied sciences.

Talking to mediapersons, OUAT Vice-Chancellor Debi Prasad Ray said apart from developing several varieties of paddy, tomato, cashew and poultry, the varsity has also transferred several technologies in food preservation and processing for the people.

“In the last financial year, 11 crop varieties were developed including rice. Among them, the most promising are _Tanmayee_ which is of 145-day duration with an average yield of 5.2 tonnes per hectare. Similar other varieties are Hiranmayee, Jyotirmayee and the scented Nua Acharmati,” he said.

Of the 23 patents filed by the varsity so far, 18 crop varieties have been certified and three are in the pipeline, he said. Even some region specific species like Motu, Chilika and Kalahandi cattle breeds have already been registered and GI application for Ganjam goat ghee and Chilika buffalo curd have also been filed.The VC added that the _Draft OUAT Act 2012_ is under active consideration of the State Government and will be implemented soon.

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