5 Exercises To Maintain Body Fat During Summers
5 Exercises To Maintain Body Fat During Summers
Practicing these exercises with a balanced diet helps a person to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As the temperature is touching 45 degrees Celsius it is very important to stay healthy. In this scorching summer, it is very essential to maintain our body fat. Let us look at five effective ways by which you can maintain your body fat.

Superman Exercise:

This exercise helps to make your lower back muscles stronger. Lie down while facing the ground. Extend your arms forward and lift your arms and legs simultaneously. Hold the position for some time and then lower the arms and legs. This helps to strengthen the lower back muscles while reducing the lower back fat.


This exercise is effective for various parts of the human body. Push-ups strengthen your chest, shoulders and arm muscles. Push-ups primarily strengthen the chest muscles. It also engages the shoulders and arms muscles. Practising this exercise can help to reduce the body’s overall fat.

Bridge Exercise:

This exercise helps in reducing buttocks and thigh fats. Lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips off the ground until a straight line is formed from your shoulder to your knees. Hold the position for some time and then lower your hips down. This exercise helps an individual strengthen the buttocks and thighs while reducing the excessive fat that is present in those areas.

Cardiovascular Exercises:

Cardio exercises comprise activities like running, cycling, swimming, and walking. These help you to burn calories and increase heart rate resulting in overall loss of fat. These exercises should be practised regularly as they keep you fit and healthy.

Plank Exercises:

Plank Exercises are some of the most important exercises that stabilise your back and also help in improving posture. There are around 15 Plank exercises that can be helpful to reduce fat. Some of the plank exercises are Knee plank, Straight-arm knee plank, Forearm plank, Straight-arm (full) plank etc.

Practising these exercises along with a balanced diet helps a person to maintain a healthy lifestyle. These can effectively help in reducing excess fat and body weight. Adding to it, focusing on exercise routines can help you with proper weight management and overall well-being.

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