5 Moments From Big Bang Theory That Make Sheldon the Biggest Star Trek Fan Ever
5 Moments From Big Bang Theory That Make Sheldon the Biggest Star Trek Fan Ever
On the occasion of Star Trek Day, here are some of the best moments by the franchise's biggest fan- Sheldon Cooper from The Big Band Theory.

Apart from being one of the most brilliant scientists that we have seen on a sitcom, Sheldon Cooper is probably one of the biggest fans or ‘Trekkies’ as they call them, of the Star Trek franchise.

Be it his undying loyalty towards ‘Spock’, his hilarious confrontations with Will Wheaton or his impeccable ability to use contexts from Star Trek in normal day to day conversations, Sheldon Cooper is undoubtedly, the best and the most loved ‘Trekkie’ that we have seen.

By now we know, Shelden Cooper is hands down the biggest fan of Star Trek. Come Star Trek Day on 8th September, Comedy Central India will air some of the most memorable episodes 1pm onwards.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

Sheldon’s iconic Star Trek spin on the Rock Paper Scissor game was first introduced when he and Raj argue about what to watch on TV, with both making distinct choices. Sheldon’s argument clip remains a favourite amongst Star Trek fans with many of them having reposted the same on social media through the years. The popularity of this scenario even resulted in T-Shirts, fan gear and other merch being created to appease excited supporters.

What to watch out for: Sheldon’s impressive, rapid explanation of the game’s rules


The creators utilized Sheldon’s obsession with Spock in a master stroke that exposes Sheldon’s character in its entirety – his eccentricity, his compelling rationale, and above all, his frequently shrouded vulnerability. Wil Wheaton helps Sheldon rope in the son of his greatest icon, Leonard Nimoy, to interview him for a documentary that celebrates the life of the renowned ‘Spock’. Over the course of the interview, even though he is doing what he loves most, Sheldon begins to get increasingly agitated when questioned on his relationship. When Penny reminds Sheldon, that Spock is also half human, she shines a light on his emotional side, forcing Sheldon to face his feelings of rejection. Live Long and Prosper Spock!

Battling it out with his arch Nemesis, Wil Wheaton

Sheldon’s rivalry with Wil Wheaton can be traced back to his childhood and continues into his youth as he devastatingly loses a tournament to the Star Trek. Their conflict comes to its head when the two aficionados face each other yet again at the Mystic Warlords of Ka’a card tournament at comic bookstore. They partake in an epic battle of wits, with Sheldon ultimately being duped into losing, cementing his hatred further as he bellows his legendary shriek, “WHEATON!!!!”. Their dispute lasts several more ambitious battles until they put the fights to bed when Wheaton gifts a coveted action figure. Much to the fans delight, the two eventually become close friends.

Bakersfield Expedition

This quintessential episode is a true tribute to the gang of scientists’ devotion to Star Trek. The guys are heading to the Bakersfield Comic Con Convention cosplaying as their favourite ‘Star Trek: Next Generation’ characters when Leonard’s car gets stolen, leaving them stranded at a popular shooting location for the series where they stopped to pose for photos. The gang go on a trek of their own as they try to make it to convention despite all the odds against them. The hilarious episode is a wonderful amalgamation of all their nerdiest quirks and probably the biggest tribute ever made to Star Trek.

The napkin that brought Sheldon to tears

Anyone, literally anyone, can perfectly understand Sheldon’s Star Trek fascination after watching this episode. For Christmas, a festival he despites, Penny gifts Sheldon a used and signed napkin by his all-time favourite icon, Leonard Nimoy aka Spock. The fact that he now possesses Nimoy’s DNA and can grow his own Leonard Nimoy leaves Sheldon so hysterical with emotions that he gives Penny a very rare Sheldon hug, breaking his usual character arc. The episode is cherished by fans and creators alike, who claimed they got all ‘weepy’ after witnessing the legendary moment in the show’s history.

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