Jennifer Lopez Has a Ladder In her Closet
Jennifer Lopez Has a Ladder In her Closet
Jennifer Lopez has a ladder in her wardrobe, so she can reach her vast array of clothes.

Los Angeles: American singer and actress Jennifer Lopez has a ladder in her wardrobe, so she can reach her vast array of clothes.

The chart-topping singer has such an expansive collection of clothes, she requires a Beauty and the Beast-style ladder to be able to reach them from the shelves, according to dancer Derek Hough, reports

Hough said: "There's actually a ladder in her closet. And I don't mean just a little stepping ladder like in a pantry, oh I'm talking like, 'Beauty and the Beast', 'tale as old as closet.'"

Hough has starred alongside the 47-year-old beauty on their NBC competition show, World of Dance.

And he's admitted to relishing the experience of working alongside the seemingly ageless entertainer, describing her as the "queen bee" of the show's cast.

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