Lump In Scrotum To Heaviness In Abdomen, Early Signs Of Testicular Cancer
Lump In Scrotum To Heaviness In Abdomen, Early Signs Of Testicular Cancer
The first symptom of testicular cancer is a lump in one or both testicles without any pain.

No cancer is good news but relatively speaking, if detected in time, testicular cancer is easier to treat. Testicular cancer is one of the most uncommon forms of cancer and occurs even less in India. It occurs when cells within the testicle begin to multiply abnormally, forming a tumour. While rare, more than 90 per cent of testicular cancers originate in the germ cells responsible for sperm production. It mostly affects young men between the ages of 15 and 40. Although this type of cancer is less common among older men, people of all ages should be aware of its symptoms.

The first symptom of testicular cancer is a lump in one or both testicles without any pain. These tumours are generally painless and hence ignored. Never ignore this sign. And if the problem persists for a long time then you should be cautious. Also, if there is a change in the shape and size of your scrotum, or if one testicle is larger than the other, or if the scrotum feels like it’s swollen, it’s a sign of trouble. In some cases, if the scrotum is persistently infected or if the scrotum continues to enlarge after antibiotic treatment, a further examination should be done by a doctor.

Other symptoms appear only when the disease is advanced and may spread outside the scrotum. Abdominal pain, a lump in the abdomen or a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen may appear after the cancer is in an advanced stage. Apart from that, swelling in the lower limbs, especially in the legs, loss of appetite, and weight loss for no reason are symptoms of testicular cancer.

Given that testicular cancer commonly affects individuals under the age of 30, it’s advisable to conduct regular self-examinations of the testicles. To do this, it’s essential to ensure that the scrotum appears in its usual shape and angle and to be vigilant for any changes. This includes checking for lumps, swelling, or any unusual sensations in the testicles. Parents should teach their sons how to perform a scrotal self-examination. It is up to the individual to detect the disease early andLifestyle, Health

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