This is What You Can Do to Manage Type 1 Diabetes Nick Jonas is Suffering From
This is What You Can Do to Manage Type 1 Diabetes Nick Jonas is Suffering From
In the National Diabetes awareness month, singer Nick Jonas, diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 13, spreads awareness by sharing his everyday struggles and his routine.

November is the National Diabetes Month and Nick Jonas has taken a step towards spreading awareness about his condition, Type 1 Diabetes.

On November 14, he took to Instagram and posted a picture with a motivating message for his followers.

He was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 13. In this post, Nick Jonas described the everyday struggles of diabetic patient who are suffering from this tedious disorder that requires constant attention, physically and mentally.

Thanking his family for their constant support he wrote, "13 years ago today I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The picture on the left is me a few weeks after my diagnosis. Barely 100 pounds after having lost so much weight from my blood sugar being so high before going to the doctor where I would find out I was diabetic. On the right is me now. Happy and healthy. Prioritizing my physical health, working out and eating healthy and keeping my blood sugar in check. I have full control of my day to day life with this disease, and I’m so grateful to my family and loved ones who have helped me every step of the way. Never let anything hold you back from living your best life. Thank you to all my fans for your kind words and support. Means more than you know. Love you all."

Nick has always tried to use his experience to help others with the same condition. In the past, he mentioned that he was diagnosed with diabetes right before he was kickstarting his career and said, “Every day can be an opportunity to be a hero — if you’re kind to someone who needs it, or you find a cause you’re passionate about. You get involved with something and raise your voice in some way. It does make a difference, and I would encourage all of you to do that."

Here is what you should know if you are struggling from Type 1 Diabetes like Nick Jonas:

One of the most dangerous conditions is where the person’s immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas which, in turn, no longer produces insulin.

We all are aware that insulin produces blood sugar or glucose which is required by the cells in on our body to perform their functions.

Who could be the possible target?

Unlike Type 2 Diabetes which is a lifestyle disease among adults, Type 1 Diabetes can be diagnosed in one’s childhood or adulthood thus it is more often referred to as Juvenile Diabetes.

What can be the possible symptoms?

Like Nick Jonas mentioned in his post about his losing weight there are several other symptoms that make diabetics life an uphill struggle.

Extreme thirst, weight loss, frequent urination are few of the common symptoms.

But it definitely can be treated if not cured. After you have undergone diagnosis and your doctor has confirmed that you are suffering from Type 1 diabetes.

Insulin dosage assigned by your doctor need to be frequently taken along with several lifestyle changes and keeping your blood sugar level monitored frequently is a must.

So what does Nick Jonas do in a day to keep diabetes at bay?

For his diet Nick consumes a limit of 4,200 calories a day and includes healthy super foods. What he calculates is the ratio of carbs, proteins and fats as this needs to be balanced for Type 1 Diabetes patients. Apart from that healthy and nutritious food is always what he relays on even during his outings.

On the physical fitness front, we are aware how fit Nick Jonas has been all these years looking at his ripped body and it’s mainly due to his fitness regime. From running, boxing, weigh lighting to planks, Nick spends a dedicated amount of time for his everyday workout.

With three workouts a day for five days in a week, he chooses to work on different parts of his body each day in his private gym Heart & Hustle.

Here's Nick Jonas' story on Type 1 Diabetes:

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