Commando 3 Movie Review: It Fails to Pack a Punch Despite Vidyut Jammwal's Slick Action
Commando 3 Movie Review: It Fails to Pack a Punch Despite Vidyut Jammwal's Slick Action
In the cinematic world run by superheroes, it is increasingly difficult for the audience to be impressed by the exploits of regular, on-screen heroes.

Commando 3

Cast: Vidyut Jammwal, Adah Sharma, Angira Dhar

Director: Aditya Datt

In his last outing, Commando Karanvir Singh Dogra (Vidyut Jammwal) found his way to foreign shores to follow the trail of ill-begotten wealth of the powers that be. That was quite an adventure what with several twists.

Turns out, his adventure in the third edition is not half as much fun. This once the discovery of a few misguided young men, indoctrinated by Jihadis who are planning a destructive coup to instill fear among Indians, sets the ball rolling for our hero. Trite as it is, you know that Jammwal’s smooth as panther stunts will be the most watchable part of the film. Despite his elegant glides and save, the film suffers abundantly from sheer lack of imagination. Even its eclectic ensemble of actors -Adah Sharma (Bhavna Reddy), Angira Dhar (Mallika Sood) and Gulshan Devaiah (Buraq Ansari) pulling off some very cool stunts, the film fails to score.


The hackneyed plot around Islamic terrorists with nefarious motives seems to have run its course what with several films in the past with a similar premise. In the cinematic world run by superheroes, it is increasingly difficult for the audience to be impressed by the exploits of regular, on-screen heroes and therefore a good story and screenplay become a dire necessity.

In the earlier edition Adah Sharma’ comic turn worked well but in this one, the screenplay does not allow her enough room to add value.

The film's dialogues designed to be paeans to the patriotic spirit are tiresome at best and pointless blood-letting, one has observed makes little impact (on the auds) unless the story has an emotional connect. Commando 3's biggest virtue is that while drumming up the patriotic bluster it does try its best to make a distinction between terrorists and Muslims as it were. Sometimes painstakingly so. But that’s obviously not good enough to salvage a poorly packaged film.

Its sheer lack of mystery doesn’t help the film’s cause the least bit. The culprit or the mastermind behind the deceitful plan is made known to the audience early on, weakening the narrative.

Even the trope of an invincible, devious villain proves ineffective because of an underwritten character. Gulshan Devaiah despite his cold-blooded actions is not chilling enough. The probable subplots hinted at—rivalry between Mallika and Bhavna or possibly even a double cross on the part of multiple investigative agencies driven by their own motives-- are left untapped.

Roadblocks are predictable enough, overcome just too easily by Dogra and there are no cliff-hanger moments so essential to actioners and thrillers. Director Aditya Datta is unable to plot and pace this film effectively and at over two hours, Commando 3 feels like an inordinate stretch.

This one, certainly fails to pack a punch.

Rating: 1.5/5

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