News18 Movie Awards 2017: Zaira is Leading Best Supporting Actress Category
News18 Movie Awards 2017: Zaira is Leading Best Supporting Actress Category
Vote now. Vote intelligently.

We thank you all for the overwhelming response that you’ve been giving to the fourth edition of News18 Movie Awards. However, we still haven’t achieved our goal. We need more backing and votes from all of you to ensure the most deserving films and performers bag the coveted titles. If you believe in acknowledging excellence, make sure you get more like-minded people to participate actively in this. So it isn’t just about casting your vote for the most-deserving nominee, but also making people aware of the impartiality and fairness of the procedure.

We chalked out the list of final nominees after multiple discussions and debates. And now that the list is open for public voting, it is entirely on you to determine the winners.

Today we will take a look at the development in the Best Supporting Actress category. The five supporting actresses who have been nominated in this category are Zaira Wasim (Dangal), Shabana Azmi (Neerja), Kirti Kulhari (Pink), Ratna Pathak Shah (Kapoor & Sons), Surveen Chawla (Parched).

While we continue to extol Nitesh Tiwari for the way he presented the story of unlikely champions, we can’t ignore the film’s actual standout – Zaira Wasim. She played the young Geeta Phogat with fierceness and conviction, and undoubtedly leads the race with 55 per cent votes.

The film is balanced by the imposing Shabana Azmi who essays the role Neerja’s mother Rama Bhanot. Like majority of Indian mothers, Rama is concerned about her daughter, but she is also kind and heartbreaking. And it is the honesty with which she portrayed the role that has helped her get 15 per cent votes, as same as Kirti Kulhari, who delivered a believable performance as a strong but emotionally defenseless woman, without a hint of pretension in Pink.

Besides being a skilfully crafted family drama, Kapoor & Sons made a cut as a film that discussed the theme of homosexuality with compassion. While all the actors in the film were ‘real’, it was Ratna Pathak Shah who stood out. Shah was seen being stuck between her sons and trying her best to deal with husband's infidelity. She was genuine in playing an unsatisfied wife and possessive mother. She has got 8 per cent votes.

Surveen Chawla as Bijli was a bright spark in Parched, but hasn’t received enough votes from the fans. She stands last with 6 per cent votes.

If you aren’t satisfied with the results so far, and feel the most deserving nominee has been ignored, become the jury yourself, and vote here! Our voting poll closes on March 6.

News18 Movie Awards aims to recognise those who truly deserve adulation and respect.

Vote now. Vote intelligently.

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