India's Oscar Entry Chhello Show Child Actor Rahul Koli Dies After Battling Cancer
India's Oscar Entry Chhello Show Child Actor Rahul Koli Dies After Battling Cancer
Child actor Rahul Koli, who plays one of the six children in India's Oscar entry Chhello Show, passed away on October 2. He was battling cancer.

Child actor Rahul Koli, who played a vital role in India’s official Oscar entry Chhello Show (The Last Show), passed away. The 15-year-old child star was reportedly battling cancer. He died on October 2 and the funeral took place in his hometown in Hapa village near Jamnagar. Chhello Show is slated to release this weekend, October 14.

His father, Ramu Koli confirmed the news. Ramu, who drives an auto for a living, told The Times of India, “He was so happy and would often tell me that our lives would change after October 14 (the release date of the movie). But he left us before that.”

As per the report, Rahul developed a low-grade fever initially which kept coming back despite multiple treatments. He was taken to Jamnagar for further treatment before he was hospitalized in Ahmedabad. “On Sunday, October 2, he had his breakfast, and then after repeated bouts of fever in the following hours, Rahul vomited blood thrice and just like that my child was no more. Our family is devastated. But we will watch his ‘last film show’ together on the release day on October 14 after we perform his final purification rituals,” his father told the publication.

Ramu said that he had to sell his auto to help pay for Rahul’s treatment. However, when the crew of the film found out, they helped him buy back the auto. “We have been with the family looking after Rahul for weeks but in the end, he could not be saved,” Pan Nalin, director of the film said.

Chhello Show is a coming-of-age drama that focuses on a nine-year-old who loves cinema and how he bribes his way into a movie palace and spends his summer vacation watching movies from the projection booth. The cast includes Bhavin Rabri, Richa Meena, Vikas Bata, Bhavesh Shrimali, Dipen Raval, and Rahul Koli.

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