Numerology Today, March 19: How Compatible is Number 5 with Number 1 and 2
Numerology Today, March 19: How Compatible is Number 5 with Number 1 and 2
Numerology Today, March 19: Number 1 is extremely lucky for number 5 , so it is recommended to stay in association for greater success


As 5 and 1 are equally talented and successful, they often disapprove to work together. But number 1 proves extremely lucky for number 5 , so it is recommended to stay in association and touch the sky. The biggest reason for the clashes between married couple of such combination is kind of domination that plays a key role. It’s always too difficult to merge them as both likes to dominate, so couples need to just compromise.

Business partners with 5 and 1 leads the industry with leaps and bounces. Career of sports, politics, travel agency, automobile, IT, Solar power, construction, advertising, jewellery, foreign commodities and acting offers grand success and fame.

LUCKY COLOURS: Aqua and teal

LUCKY DAY: Wednesday and Sunday


DONATIONS: Wheat in aashram

Offer water to Lord Surya


Number 2 being the planet of cooperation and balance, finds it difficult to cope with the bold and rational persona of number 5. Generally, it is found that Number 2 ends up becoming a soft target for number 5. Number 5 which loves, variety, changes freedom, speed and risk, handles number 2 for its own personal use.

Number 2 is full of emotions and far away from practical thoughts, this makes number 2 often fall in the trap and therfore 2 feels deeply hurt due to the action of 5. Thus it is recommended for number 2 and number 5 to stay pole apart. Luck could play in their life if they work together but still mental stability and happiness becomes the reason of unsatisfaction throughout.


LUCKY DAY: Wednesday

DONATIONS: Milk or water to cattle.

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