Virtual Creative Training Platform Helps Kids Fight COVID-blues
Virtual Creative Training Platform Helps Kids Fight COVID-blues
YuWaah has created the Young Warriors Coalition as a partnership to catalyze a pan-India movement to mobilize and arm 5 million “Young Warriors” to combat COVID-19

Over 3000 children from 200 schools across India participated in a virtual programme titled, ‘Summer of C1 – NINE’. Organised by PRATYeK, an NGO that networks with CSOs globally, the virtual platform, was for students in classes 6 to 12. The month-long program was scheduled on weekends of June and was offered free of cost. The initiative aimed at creating positive, productive, and proactive young warriors, claim organisers.

The platform of Summer of C1-NINE offered creative mass training every weekend with the objective of equipping every child with the skill of using innovative and imaginative means to become young advocates in collaboration with UNICEF’s YuwaaH initiative.

As part of the initiative, children learned new skills such as painting, music, art, puppetry, dance, storytelling from professional artists including Andreas Ceska, Nadia Jamil, Arthur Kuggeleyne from across the globe. Children shared their improvised video recordings based on the art taught to them and the best entries will be selected and promoted by UNICEF’s #YoungWarrior YuwaaH campaign.

Steve Rocha, Executive Director, PRATYeK, says, “The pandemic has orphaned many kids. Some may become prey to depression and the social evils of society. NINEISMINE rolled out a platform for them to become Covid warriors and agents of change. A space to empower skills, express, engage and learn new skills for a better life.”

YuWaah has created the Young Warriors Coalition as a partnership to catalyze a pan-India movement to mobilize and arm 5 million “Young Warriors” to combat COVID-19. Besides, the 15 Covid appropriate tasks by the Ministry of Health, the NINEISMINE’s campaign Summer of C1-NINE also adds the 16th challenge to encourage vaccination among people.

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