Lawyers, leaders welcome SC ruling
Lawyers, leaders welcome SC ruling
The decision was welcomed by lawyers and Parliamentarians alike saying it was full of great judicial statesmanship.

New Delhi: In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that Parliament has the power to expel erring MPs and added that the procedure adopted by both Houses of Parliament in expelling the members cannot be said to be illegal.

The court order has sealed the fate of the 11 MPs, who had been expelled for their involvement in the Cash-for-Query scam.

One of the expelled MPs, Raja Ram Pal had argued that Parliament did not hold any powers to expel MPs. He had said that the principles of natural justice had not been adhered to when he and his colleagues had been expelled.

However, Raja Ram Pal argued in vain and the expulsion decision was finally upheld by the Apex Court.

The decision has been welcomed by lawyers and Parliamentarians alike.

Supreme Court lawyer, Jasbir Malik said, "SC is the most competent authority to examine the expulsion of MPs and any decision taken by Parliament. SC has said that Parliament has the full right to expel the MPs through a resolution in the House."

Senior lawyer Fali S Nariman too felt that the Supreme Court had passed a landmark judgement.

"The court has delivered a judgement full of wisdom. It's very bold but it also shows great judicial statesmanship. The court has said that there is no area in our Constitution which is beyond judicial review," he said.

Lok Sabha Speaker, Somnath Chatterjee, agreed with Fali S Nariman saying that the it was indeed a landmark judgment.

"I am happy that the power of Parliament had been upheld. The judgement is also an indication to the MPs that being public servants, they have to uphold the highest tradition of conduct as laid down by the Constitution," Chatterjee stated.

BJP - five of whose members were among the 11 expelled MPs - has welcomed the decision too. BJP spokesperson V K Malhotra said that all parties should now be consulted to bring in political reforms in the system.

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