Moily for legal solution of water woes
Moily for legal solution of water woes
As the furore over Cauvery Water Dispute tribunal's verdict continues, Moily says the stae should take the legal route.

New Delhi: As the furore over Cauvery Water Dispute tribunal's "unfair" — as Karnataka chief minister HD Kumaraswamy terms it — verdict continues, there are some who believe in going the legal way.

"As the Cauvery Water Dispute tribunal has given its final verdict, there is always scope for filing a revision petition under 5 (sec 3) of the Inter State Water disputes act, if the states are not satisfied," PTI quoted senior Congress leader and former Karnataka Chief Minister, Veerappa Moily, as saying.

Moily said that filing a Special Leave Petition in the Supreme Court was also one of the options. However, mutual talks and adjustments here and there were always the best way to solve the issue, he added.

"The meeting of hearts (people of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) should happen. Though there are differences and disputes about the verdict itself, both states should talk to each other," Moily said.

Ending a 16-year-long wait, the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal on February 5 announced its decision of allocating 419 thousand million cubic feet of water out of 740 tmcft available in the basin to Tamil Nadu.

Karnataka's share on the other hand, was fixed at 270 TMC feet. However, the actual release by Karnataka to Tamil Nadu would be only 192 tmcft annually.

While terming the water distribution formula as "equitable and not unfair to Karnataka", the Chief Minister had said that some people in Karnataka had "exaggerated" the provisions of the award and created "misconceptions" that the award was unfair to Karnataka.

Meanwhile, Karnataka Chief Minister has convened an all-party meeting to finalise the state's stand on the Cauvery Tribunal order on February 24.

He has also convened a meeting of state's MPs in New Delhi on February 22 to enlist their support to raise the Cauvery issue in Parliament and for getting clearance for pending projects, sources in the Chief Minister's secretariat told PTI.

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