Alessandro Volta's battery lights up the Google doodle on his 270th birthday
Alessandro Volta's battery lights up the Google doodle on his 270th birthday
Volta had created the first electric battery: the Voltaic Pile, a stack of alternating metal discs separated by cardboard and cloth soaked with seawater.

New Delhi: Commemorating the 270th birth anniversary of the 18th century Italian physicist, Alessandro Volta, Google has posted an animated doodle that shows a battery lighting up the letters in Google.

Volta had invented the first electrical battery, and in tune with Google's tradition of honouring individuals and events of historic importance, the latest doodle celebrates his achievements in the field of electrical science.

Mark Holmes, the artist behind the Volta doodle, said that this was his second doodle at the search giant. Holmes also noted the kind of research that was done to create the doodle.

The invention of the electrical battery happened by an accident when Volta and his friend Galvani, an anatomy professor, were dissecting a frog. When the animal's legs unexpectedly twitched from an electrical discharge, Galvani went on to hypothesize that animals generated their own electricity, a theory that would eventually go on to inspire Mary Shelly's novel, 'Frankenstein'. But Volta had his own theory: that the electrical discharge had been caused by two different metals touching the frog's body.

Volta later went on to create the first electric battery: the Voltaic Pile, a stack of alternating metal discs separated by cardboard and cloth soaked with seawater.

In order to highlight Volta's accomplishment in the doodle, Holmes settled for a simpler layout featuring the battery dead center where it would simply light up the letters in Google with an antique background that feels as though it could have been the first advertisement for the world's first electrical battery.

Google, whose Android operating system runs on most of the world's smartphones, last year launched "Project Volta" - named after Alessandro Volta - a tool aimed at extending mobile battery life.


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