Google ships a 'big pile of... code,' says Microsoft as it accelerates its attack on Android
Google ships a 'big pile of... code,' says Microsoft as it accelerates its attack on Android
Microsoft executive said that Google takes no responsibility to update customer devices, leaving end users exposed every day they use an Android device.

New Delhi: In a scathing attack at Google’s Android update plans, Microsoft Windows chief said that the search engine merely updates the codes without doing much about the users’ devices.

Speaking during a keynote appearance at Microsoft's Ignite conference in Chicago, the Microsoft OS chief Terry Myerson said, “Google ships a big pile of… code, with no commitment to update your device," with an intentional pause that left the audience laughing as intended.

He further added, “Google takes no responsibility to update customer devices and refuses to take responsibility to update their devices, leaving end users and businesses increasingly exposed every day they use an Android device.”

A report on The Verge notes that while Myerson criticized Google, he did not reveal Microsoft’s own plans at bypassing carriers and delivering regular updates to the Windows 10 phones in the future.

Microsoft first unveiled a developer preview for Windows Phone back in 2013, requires one to sign up to this as a consumer to get device updates. Also, there haven’t been upgrades from Windows Phone 7 to Windows Phone 8 and those having Windows RT won’t even get the next Windows 10 in the future.

However, Microsoft plans to change its own imperfect update history with the upcoming Windows 10. As Myerson says, the company will be rolling out updates to Windows 10 in distribution rings- slow and fast rings- in which, some users will get the latest bits while others will have to wait for stable releases without bugs.

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