Ukrainian Publication Kyiv Post Says Website Hacked Amid Russian Cyberattacks: Here's What's Happening
Ukrainian Publication Kyiv Post Says Website Hacked Amid Russian Cyberattacks: Here's What's Happening
Amid the military operation against Ukraine, Russia has also launched a series of cyberattacks on its neighbouring country.

Russia has started a military operation against Ukraine. The Vladamir Putin-led Russia launched a military operation on its neighbouring country on Ukraine’s request to become a member of NATO. Russian President Vladamir Putin had earlier demanded that no NATO military activity will be held in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Western nations including the United States have said that this is an attempt from Russia to occupy the sovereign state. Now, apart from arms, Russia is also launching cyber attacks in Ukraine. The latest comes as an attack on Ukraine’s leading media outlet, Kyiv Post. According to a tweet from the publication, the main Kyiv Post website has been under “constant cyber attack from the moment Russia launched a military offensive against Ukraine."

“Dear friends and supporters. Our main Kyiv Post site has been under constant cyber attack today from the moment Russia launched its military offensive against Ukraine. We are and will be, doing our best to keep you informed in this difficult time. Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam Slava!" the tweet said.

According to previous reports, Russia has launched attacks on the Ukrainian Government websites, as well as other banking institutions that can cripple the nation. There are reports of Russia using a malware named “Wiper" which has the ability to destroy all the data stored in a system as well as make it impossible to recover it.

Some hacking tools that are being used by Russia have been developed recently, around two months back, for attacking Ukraine’s cyber resources. This means developing potent counterattacks for these malware will take some time giving an advantage to the attackers.

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Now, this is not the first time Russia is invading Ukraine in the recent past. In 2014, Russia attacked Ukraine when Ukraine deposed its pro-Russian president. The two countries had a Minsk peace accord to halt armed conflict in east Ukraine, but as the conflict has continued, Russia has sent peacekeepers to the region where the conflict is brewing. According to official figures, more than 14,000 people have lost lives as a long-term effect of the Russia-Ukraine war.

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