Yahoo's redesigned 'Google-inspired' mobile search is here
Yahoo's redesigned 'Google-inspired' mobile search is here
Redesigned Yahoo search app will assemble the most relevant information in a way that saves users to sift through additional links on a small screen.

New Delhi: Even as the world of Internet is more or less overpowered by Google’s search engine, Yahoo- the once popular Internet giant- attempts every now and then to stir up some interest amongst users for its own search tool by introducing new elements.

This week, the Marissa Mayer-led company introduced its redesigned mobile search tool which appears to be quite inspired by rival Google’s mobile search app.

Yahoo explains in its blog that the new tool will assemble the most relevant information in a way that saves users to sift through additional links on a small screen.

This feature, however, has existed for quite some time on the Google search app. For example, looking up for Sushi in Seattle will show you directions to any restaurant, along with options to read reviews or make reservations, Engadget notes.

Yahoo seems to be trying too hard to place its search tool as the default choice on mobile screens, but its rather imitative approach is unlikely to prove as a major breakthrough due to the sheer popularity Google has been enjoying over a significant amount of time.

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