At This UK Couple’s Furniture Farm, Customers Place Orders For Chairs 7 Years In Advance
At This UK Couple’s Furniture Farm, Customers Place Orders For Chairs 7 Years In Advance
The logic behind their products’ high price is the time and effort involved in manufacturing.

You have often heard of people growing fruits and vegetables in the fields, but have you heard of people growing chairs on their farms? Sounds quite weird, right? A UK couple in Derbyshire Dales, named Gavin and Alice Munro, are doing this and gaining accolades from the people. This couple harvests the trees on their furniture farm that can be later used to grow the chairs. For this purpose, the couple uses trees like Willow, Oak, Ash, and American Sycamore trees. If someone wishes to buy their chairs, they have to place an order at least 7 years in advance. Only then, the buyer can expect to purchase the chairs in the next 5-6 years. The price of a chair is Rs 6 to 7 lakh. Social media users were curious to know the reason behind the exorbitant price of the chair. The logic behind this highly quoted price is due to the huge time and effort involved in the manufacturing of the chairs. Gavin takes the help of an iron frame to separate the tree vines from the chairs and keeps on doing it every 5 years. It is done so that the shape of the chairs does not get distorted.

As per a report published in the Reuters agency, the couple grows 250 chairs, 100 lamps, and 50 tables on the furniture farm. They started this furniture farm to make an alternative to the inefficient and carbon-heavy process of chopping down trees to create furniture. Gavin told Reuters in an earlier interview, “Instead of force-growing a tree for 50 years and then cutting it down and making it into smaller and smaller bits … the idea is to grow the tree into the shape that you want directly. It’s a kind of zen 3D printing.”

The couple also has an Instagram page named Full Grown – Growing Beautiful Furniture, which is dedicated to their furniture farm initiative. They shared a glimpse from their furniture farm on December 15, 2023. As described in the caption, the farm looked quite beautiful due to the availability of the mid-winter light.

A post shared by Full Grown – Growing Beautiful Furniture (@fullgrownfutureuk)

As described in the bio, Gavin and Alice have won a gold medal from the Royal Horticultural Society.

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