A man’s seemingly perfect marriage turned into a nightmare when he discovered his wife’s secret connection to her former partner. The man believed he had found his true companion after many years in an abusive relationship with another woman.
The 36-year-old shared on Reddit, “I met my wife Bailey, 33, nine years ago through casual co-workers, and we hit it off immediately. I was completely in love with her; she was everything I had been looking for. Flat Before I met her, I was in a toxic and frankly abusive long-term relationship with a woman who Bailey was acquainted with but not friends”.
He had cut off all forms of communication with his former partner, including social media and hadn’t interacted with her since their divorce. Bailey eventually became his life partner after the pandemic, leading them to buy a house together and welcome a baby into their lives.
He further shared, “It’s been a challenge because Bailey suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, but last year she miraculously gave birth to our first daughter. I’m enjoying fatherhood; it’s a bit of a dream come true. I’ve finally got my joyful life with my ideal woman.”
Last week everything changed. He said “My laptop battery died so I turned on Bailey’s work tablet to research some tax stuff. She wasn’t there, just me and the baby, but we never felt the need to ask permission to use each other’s gadgets; we have maintained transparency in that aspect.”
“There was no reason for us to keep secrets. At least, that’s what I believed. Upon opening the Internet, I noticed that she had left an ‘incognito’ tab open. What I found next was beyond my wildest imagination. My woman had a secret Google account with a photo album labelled XX. Driven by curiosity, I opened it. Was I about to discover evidence of an affair? Explicit images? Far from it.”
What he stumbled upon was a Google album full of 348 photos of his ex-partner, “the woman who had made my life miserable and stripped me of my self-respect.” The album dates back to when he and Bailey started dating and included a variety of photos from casual family gatherings to professional events at her workplace.
He explained, “It even included photos from her yearbook, which left me baffled as to how Bailey managed to get her hands on her high school yearbook photos. Vacation photos, work ID photos, images of her in large groups, screenshots and screenshots of videos – focused solely on my ex. In these photos, everyone else was scratched out or the images were cropped and zoomed in on just my ex.”
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