Only A Math Expert Can Solve This Deadly Brain Teaser, We Aren't Joking Here
Only A Math Expert Can Solve This Deadly Brain Teaser, We Aren't Joking Here
The trick of the brain teaser is hidden inside the question.

Solving brain teasers not only helps boost people with logical thinking but also aids in becoming more focused and attentive. Greek mathematician Archimedes was recognised as a brain teaser enthusiast, who loved to solve calculative puzzles in unconventional ways. Nowadays, there are many applications available on the internet that test the IQ of a user with different, challenging brain teasers every day. A man, who uses such software, was left baffled after he got a tricky mathematical problem on the list of his daily tasks.

The person was able to choose the correct answer from the options but he was not sure about the process of solving the brain teaser. Seeking help from the Reddit community, the man dropped a screenshot of the question on the platform, with a caption, “Am I dumb, or was I just lucky?”

Am I dumb, or was I just lucky?byu/merayjr95 induolingo

The math quiz read, “Brain Teaser. Vikram wants to give out samples of his new chai tea. Each sample is 10% of the batch. How many samples can he give out, using the whole batch?” A user could pick the right answer from three options– 100, 10, and 1 that were listed below the question.

The person opted for 10 and it was correct. He wrote in the Reddit post, “I was doing my daily maths, and I got completely stumped. 10% of what? It doesn’t say anywhere that the whole batch is 100, only that 10% of it is samples. I guess 10 and was lucky to get it right. Am I just dumb, or is this technically unsolvable?”

After the post surfaced on the platform, one user pointed out the most crucial aspect of the question, commenting, “The whole batch means 100% of the batch, and he gives away 10% of the batch as a sample, therefore the batch has to be divided into 10 portions.”

Another Redditor solved the brain teaser in another way as he wrote, “A sample is 10% of the batch. So the first time he gives out a sample, 90% of the batch is remaining. The second time, 80% is remaining. The third time, 70% is remaining. And so on until the tenth time he gives out a sample and there’s 0% of the batch left.”

The post, which was shared on Reddit earlier this month, has already accumulated nearly 500 upvotes, with more than 170 users sharing their thoughts about the brain teaser in the comment box.

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