Palestinian Ambassador to Pakistan Waleed Abu Ali Shares Stage With Hafiz Saeed
Palestinian Ambassador to Pakistan Waleed Abu Ali Shares Stage With Hafiz Saeed
This appearance by the Palestinian envoy is sure to ruffle feathers in New Delhi, seeing as this comes just days after India voted in the United Nations in support of Palestine and against the American decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognising the disputed city as the capital of Israel.

New Delhi: Waleed Abu Ali, the Palestinian Ambassador to Pakistan, was seen sharing the stage with designated 'global terrorist', 26/11 mastermind and Jamat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on Friday.

The Difa-e-Pakistan Council, a coalition of hardline Islamic parties in Pakistan that campaigns aggressively against India and the United States of America, held a show of strength in Rawalpindi's Liaqat Bagh on Friday.

Ali, the Palestinian envoy to Pakistan, was seen sharing the stage with Saeed, who even at this event used the pulpit to deliver an anti-India and anti-US speech, peppered with reference to Kashmir and Kulbhushan Jhadav.

Saeed, who has been declared as a globally terrorist by the United States State Department, carries a bounty of $ 10 million on his head. But more importantly, he is wanted by India on charges of being the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, in which ten terrorists from the Lashkar-e-Taiba claimed over 160 lives and injured over 600 people.

This appearance by the Palestinian envoy is sure to ruffle feathers in New Delhi, seeing as this comes just days after India voted in the United Nations in support of Palestine and against the American decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognising the disputed city as the capital of Israel.

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