US And China Must Be 'Partners, Not Rivals', Xi Jinping Tells Antony Blinken
US And China Must Be 'Partners, Not Rivals', Xi Jinping Tells Antony Blinken
Blinken earlier held a meeting with counterpart Wang Yi for more than five and a half hours, which the US diplomat called "extensive and constructive"

Chinese President Xi Jinping told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday that the world’s two largest economies, China and the US, should be “partners, not rivals”.

“The two countries should be partners, not rivals,” Xi stated.

Xi, who met Blinken in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, remarked that the two countries had “made some positive progress” since his meeting with US President Joe Biden in San Francisco last November.

The Chinese President also emphasised that there were “a number of issues” to be resolved in their relations.

“There are still a number of issues that need to be resolved, and there is still room for further efforts,” he added.

Xi further expressed to the US Secretary of State that he hopes the United States will take a “positive view” of Beijing’s development, as per China’s state-run China Central Television (CCTV).

“We hope the US can also take a positive view of China’s development,” Xi asserted, adding: “When this fundamental problem is solved… relations can truly stabilise, get better, and move forward”.

Meeting with Chinese counterpart Wang Yi

The top American diplomat, who is visiting the country for the second time in less than a year, earlier held a meeting with his counterpart Wang Yi for over five hours, which Blinken described as “extensive and constructive”.

According to a US official, Blinken directly addressed areas of difference including Russia, Taiwan, and trade during the discussion.

Regarding the relations between the world’s two largest economies, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Blinken that the two nations were “beginning to stabilise,” especially after Joe Biden and Xi Jinping meeting last year.

“But at the same time, the negative factors in the relationship are still increasing and building,” Wang Yi noted.

“China’s legitimate development rights have been unreasonably suppressed and our core interests are facing challenges,” he said, urging “respect for each other’s core interests”

(With inputs from AFP)

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