12 Simple Steps to Use DeviantArt
12 Simple Steps to Use DeviantArt
Deviantart.com is one of the most well-known art-sharing networks on the web. The site features drawings, photos, paintings, and many other forms of art. Joining deviantArt will get your artwork out there by putting it before an audience of thousands of users. Becoming a member will allow you to begin posting and browsing art, among many other activities.
Things You Should Know
  • Join the website to use more features.
  • Click "Upload" to upload images of your artwork including sculptures.
  • Click "Watch" on images if you want to follow their progress and see if someone leaves a comment for it.

Go to www.deviantart.com

Join deviantArt. DeviantArt is a free website to show your personal art. To upgrade you can purchase core membership which is around $20 for three months.

Fill your Username, E-mail address, and Password. Voila! you are now a member

Create your own gallery and artwork. Do you have awesome art that you want people to know about? Then submit your art! Click submit art and just follow the steps.

Upload Photography or artwork can be sculptures, can be traditional or digital as long as it's made by you and it's art.

Name your Upload file as you wish. Any title artistic or not.

You can post a comment in the comment box of another user.Posting comments can help you make friends or bonds.

Post it to their profile page. Share the love!

Follow your favorite artist. People who inspire you and have beautiful art that you want to see, or people you just like.

Click Watch to follow them. Watching them gets you notified of what they are up to.

Save and close. Be sure to double-check for any embarrassing error

Tell them what you think about their art, post your own art and communicate with artist all over the world, make friends, learn stuff, and enjoy. Maybe you too can be as good as them.

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