3-Letter Baby Names: 230+ Unique & Unisex Ideas
3-Letter Baby Names: 230+ Unique & Unisex Ideas
Looking for the perfect 3-letter name for your baby? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of 3-letter baby boy, girl, and unisex names. We’ll also teach you how to choose the perfect name, plus provide ideas in different languages. Keep reading for short, snappy, and unique names for your little one!
Top 3-Letter Baby Names

3-Letter Girl Names

Choose a charming name that captures your daughter’s spirit. Think of the style you and your partner want to come up with a fitting name. Looking for something soft and sweet? Try “Ivy” or “Emi.” Something bold and unique? Maybe “Flo” or “Nyx.” Here are the best 3-letter names for a baby girl: Ada Amy Ana Ani Ann Ava Aya Bea Bia Bri Cat Deb Dot Eda Emi Emy Eva Eve Flo Gia Ida Ina Ivy Jan Jen Joy Kat Kim Lea Lia Liv Liz Lua Mae May Meg Mia Nia Nyx Pam Pia Rae Rue Sky Tia Una Val Zoe

3-Letter Boy Names

Select a short and punchy 3-letter name for your beloved baby boy. Decide on the vibe of the name with your partner, and choose one that rolls off the tongue easily. If you’re looking for something modern and edgy, “Axl” or “Dom” are great options. For something classic and timeless, you might go with “Ben” or “Eli.” Here are some the best 3-letter names for a baby boy: Ace Alf Art Axl Ben Bob Bud Cal Dan Dax Dom Eli Gus Guy Ian Ike Jax Jay Jed Joe Jon Kes Kip Leo Mac Max Ned Noa Ozi Raf Ray Rex Rio Rob Roy Sal Sid Taz Ted Tim Tio Van Von Wes Zac Zak

3-Letter Unisex Names

Pick a unisex name to let your child express their personal identity. Many unisex and gender-neutral names sound modern yet timeless, which can help your child stand out in a positive way. It also allows them to express their identity freely, without being confined to traditional gender norms. Here are some fresh and flexible ideas for boys and girls: Abi Adi Ali Ari Asa Ash Cam Del Dev Dru Fay Fox Hal Han Ira Isa Jet Kay Kai Kal Kit Lee Lex Lou Lux Mel Nat Noe Ora Pat Paz Rei Rey Rin Rya Sam Tay Vin

Most Unique 3-Letter Names

Honor your culture with a 3-letter name from another language. Every language has popular 3-letter names for boys and girls, and using one is a beautiful way to celebrate your family’s history and heritage (or honor another culture that you admire). Here are some unique 3-letter baby names from various cultures: Aja (Sanskrit for “to drive” or “propel”) Ata (Arabic for “gift”) Cid (Spanish for “master”) Dil (Hindu for “heart”) Don (Irish for “chief” or “noble”) Dua (Arabic for “prayer” or “supplication”) Fae (French for “fairy”) Fai (Chinese for “beginning”) Gal (Hebrew for “wave”) Gil (Hebrew for “happiness”) Jin (Chinese for “gold”) Kei (Japanese for “reverent,” “blessing,” or “favor”) Ken (Scottish Gaelic for “born of fire”) Koa (Hawaiian for “warrior” or “brave one”) Kya (Greek for “pure”) Lan (Chinese for “orchid”) Lin (Latin for “pretty”) Luc (French for “man from Lucania”) Luz (Spanish for “light”) Mab (Irish for “intoxicating”) Mai (Japanese for “dance”) Maj (Greek and Hebrew for “star of the sea”) Nye (Welsh for “golden”) Ode (Greek for “song”) Ovi (Marathi for “sacred message of saint” or “holy message”) Pax (Latin for “peaceful”) Poe (Middle English for “peacock”) Ren (Japanese for “lotus”) Ryo (Japanese for “excellent”) Sai (Marathi for “one who is divine”) Sol (Spanish for “sun”) Sri (Sanskrit for “radiance,” “beauty,” or “wealth”) Tal (Hebrew for “dew” or “rain”) Tan (Vietnamese for “new”) Ula (Native American for “jewel of the sea”) Wyn (Welsh for “fair” or “blessed”) Yue (Chinese for “moon”) Zia (Arabic for “light”)

Frequently Asked Question

How do you choose the perfect 3-letter name? When it comes to naming your child, consider factors like your family heritage, underlying meanings, preferred style, how easy it is to say, and how popular or trendy the name is. Most parents want something unique and timeless, but it’s totally up to you! Just make sure you and your partner agree on the choice, and check that the initials don’t spell anything awkward or inappropriate. If you need help, ask your loved ones for suggestions or use a baby name generator. You can check out the Social Security Administration’s annual list of the most popular baby names to see what names to choose (if you want a trendy name) or avoid (if you want a unique name).

What are some 3-letter names in Hindu? There are so many beautiful Indian and Hindu baby names you can choose from. Here are some unique and meaningful ideas for inspiration: Ahi (“Cloud,” “sun,” or “water”) Anu (“An atom”) Aru (“Sun”) Das (“Servant” or “devotee”) Dea (“Kindness” or “goddess”) Dia (“Divine”) Eka (“One,” “unique,” “first,” or “chief”) Eta (“Luminous”) Eth (“Modest”) Gau (“Period after sunset”) Het (“Love”) Hir (“Powerful,” “diamond,” or “darkness”) Iti (“A new beginning”) Jai (“Conqueror” or “victory”) Jia (“Heart” or “outstanding”) Mou (“Honey” or “sweet”) Nil (“Blue” or “indigo”) Nit (“Favor” or “grace”) Oja (“Strength” or “vigor”) Raj (“King”) Ram (“Beautiful” or “pleasing”) Ria (“Graceful”) Rua (“Almost perfect”) Som (“Moon”) Sov (“A child born on Saturday”) Ved (“Sacred knowledge”) Ven (“Good fortune,” “desirable,” or “affectionate”) Yuv (“Vigorous” or “young”) Zev (“Deer” or “wolf”) Zue (“Pretty” or “beautiful”)

What are some 3-letter names in Japanese? There are tons of short Japanese names that reflect deep meanings, such as strength, beauty, and spirituality. Here are some unique and classic ideas: Aki (“Autumn”) Eri (“Picture” or “pear”) Gen (“Origin” or “beginning”) Hik (“Boy” or “prince”) Ich (“One”) Iku (“Nurture” or “raise”) Iro (“Color”) Ito (“Thread” or “wisteria”) Jun (“Rich” or “moisture”) Mas (“Right” or “correct”) Mei (“Bud” or “sprout”) Mio (“Beautiful thread”) Nao (“Straight” or “honest”) Oto (“Sound”) Rui (“Tears”) Ryū (“Dragon”) Sae (“Clear” or “lucid”) Sho (“Soar” or “fly”) Sui (“Water”) Tad (“Loyalty” or “faithfulness”) Tai (“Great” or “big”) Toa (“Ten”) Ume (“Plum”) Umi (“Sea”) Yōk (“Sunshine” or “fragrance”) Yon (“Four”) Yos (“Ocean”) Yui (“Only” or “sole”) Yūk (“Gentle,” “superior,” or “excellent”) Yūn (“Friend” or “sound”)

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