How to Download Audio from Tumblr
How to Download Audio from Tumblr
Ever want to save audio you heard on Tumblr? This wikiHow shows you how to download audio from Tumblr with extensions and the Inspect Elements feature in most Web browsers.
Saving Tumblr Audio to Your Computer

Open your Web browser and go to This will take you to Tumblr's homepage. Log into your Tumblr account if you aren't already logged in.

Browse for any audio you want to save. You can type in the name of the audio (if it's a song) in the search bar at the top of the page.

Right click the audio. Once you have the audio displayed, you can then right-click on the audio player to pull up more options. Mac users will need to hold control and click in order to pull up the same options for any audio.

Click Inspect Element or Inspect. This opens the elements for the page, which includes the programming for the audio link.

Click the Network tab. This appears in the menu ribbon along the top of the Inspect Element tab that opens.

Play the audio for a few seconds. This is so the audio player will display in the Inspect Element display.

Right click/control-click on the size column. This will pull up a pop-up menu with more options for the audio player. On some browsers, you can't see the size column so you can just click on the row that the post pops up in.

Click Open in new tab. This will open the audio player in its own tab.

Right click/control-click anywhere in the new tab and select Save As. This will then open the dialog window where you can then save the audio as an MP3 file on your computer.

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